Time & Seasons: a word by Jessica O.

Stillness of Winter

The soft snow drifts over the rolling hills and blankets the trees.

The sunlight streams through, glistening off the tiny crystals of ice, each one playing its note in the

symphony of lights.

The crispness of the air fills the lungs with a perfect balance of rejuvenation and stillness.

Life all around slows and finds its rythm in a state of peace and stillness.

The birds puffed up nestled in the branches, and the deer takes meticulous steps though the soft snow,

its breath like smoke, slowly dancing in the air.

The snowflakes drift here and there, as they glide and then nestle down into the blanket of white below.

All of creation is drawing in to hear the gentle whispers of the Father as he speaks in the stillness.

Winter is a season of rest, and it teaches us important things about ourselves, creation and the heart of our Father. His song and rhythm changes ever so slightly with the flow of the seasons, always with intentionality, and to create balance in his creation. As humans we have a tendency to control the environment and have made our lifestyle one that has no room for the natural ebb and flow. We ignore the gentle messages all around us. We continue to strive and go go go, but the Fathers heart is calling out to us to make space to stop, and come away with Him to the secret places within, and contemplate with Him, trust in Him, rest in Him.

Why is it so hard for us to rest? We have forgotten how to rest. I used to not like winter – cold, icy and the extra work and time it would add to everyday tasks. All the extra layers to get on and cart around, the time to get the car ready, and road hazards due to snow and ice. I realize all this came from a lifestyle, in which I was not giving myself permission to accept the season for what it is. Instead, I was pushing against it to remain as “productive” as any other season. No wonder I did not enjoy it. I was fighting with it, instead of accepting it for what it was, and what I could learn from it, and enjoy in it. It truly is a beautiful magical season when we can learn to embrace it for what it really is. There are so many mysteries and treasures to be found in it, when our perspective aligns with heavens.

Lord teach me how to rest and to recognize and work with the times and seasons you have so intentionally put into our lives. Show me what you are doing, so I can move in step and rhythm to you. Father teach me to find the rhythm within your heart and rest and remain in that place.