DTS WEEK 1: Hearing God's Voice

You may be wondering, what is DTS? What do you learn in DTS? Well, this week, our Discipleship Training School (DTS) learned from the passionate and steady Eli and Sarah Zuck on recognizing God’s voice. The Zucks, as individual beings, as a couple, and as a family, display intimacy and the pursuit of holiness in ways that only come from having authentic history with the Lord. They have been a great gift to our community, and this week was marked by making room for the Holy Spirit to do all He wanted to do. Our students received tools on how to recognize God’s voice, what intimacy with Him means and how to go deeper, and were given space to encounter Him throughout their lecture. Some of our favorite quotes from staff and students from the Zucks this week are down below:

“God spoke us into existence.” // “Anxiety is faith in the wrong things.” // “God’s ability to speak is greater than our inability to hear.”

There is a radical and awe-inducing tenderness in the truth that we are One with our Maker. That God, the One who fights for us, created us, and breathed out the land we live in speaks intimately. He whispers love and life over our very own bloody, beating hearts. To hear His voice and know that we ALL can recognize how He speaks brings freedom. It expands our world, allows us to taste and see every day, not just on Sundays.

In this day and age, it’s the greatest soul-crushing trap to believe that God is distant. That He’s far away or even has His back turned towards us. The heart of God is consistent and steady. His closeness is never determined by our own good or wrongdoing, but it is His own greatest joy and desire to draw near. To believe He is always near and to trust that He loves speaking to us takes any pressure off our shoulders to perform. All He asks is that we draw near. And, Him being as close as He says, once we turn around, I’m sure we will discover He is but inches away from us.
