DTS WEEK 4: Freedom & Identity

There are so many questions we contemplate in this life directly connected to our purpose and identity. “Who am I?” // “What is my purpose?” // “Who is God?” // “What is identity?” // “How do I find myself?” — These questions often times fill us with a sense of anxiety as we look every which way for answers outside of ourselves to define our internal world. And, as we scramble to make sense of who we are through whatever means are directly accessible to us, we cover up more and more of the original identity breathed into our bones from the day we were conceived. This isn’t a matter of then shaming ourselves into the presence of God! We all walk through periods of time where our identity is loosely planted in material things, social status, etc. and more often than not, it’s a daily returning back to the loving, tender, holy heart of God and asking Him to remind us of who we really are separate from the things we’ve used to build ourselves up.

This week in our Fall DTS, Derek and Chloe Mack from Circuit Riders and BraveLove Women, came to dig deep with our students on what it means to live freely as sons and daughters of God. Derek and Chloe carry a fierce passion for GenZ to know who they are and to live boldly from that place of being a child. They both came in with such a tender love and care for our students and staff and were consistent in calling out the destiny and gold they saw in individuals. Chloe and Derek are also passionate about the roles that men and women play in life and missions as individuals and through partnership! They emphasized consistently how intentionally God created both genders and the gifts and qualities both hold that come together to further the Kingdom of God.

As a way to invest in both groups, we had a men’s and women’s ministry night. Chloe spent time with our women calling them higher into true, deep sisterhood where there would be “no daylight” between them (no daylight meaning no offense, bitterness, etc.) — our women, staff and students, spent time reflecting, repenting, and stepping out of lies that have prohibited them from walking in their calling. At the end of the night, our women were given time to speak life and tell each other why they needed one another. This moment was so powerful as truth was being spilled over everybody in the room. Chloe emphasized over and over how women are the catalysts for revival! In order to charge into revival, women must uplift their fellow sisters and avoid tearing one another down.

Derek spent time with our men calling them higher into biblical manhood. Our guys discussed family roles, how they saw their fathers parent, and what they believe it means to be a man in today’s world. Derek empowered our men to step into what God is calling them to and to live a life of boldness!

Our students and staff were left empowered, moved by the Spirit, and excited to step into who God says they truly are. Never underestimate the power in knowing who you are and whose you are. The enemy is greatly threatened when we walk out our identity as sons and daughters of the King! Take even a few seconds to check in with God the Father and ask “Who do you say I am?”
