Father's Day: a word by Jessica O.

Seasonal celebrations can bring pain to many because it can cause comparison. They can bring opportunity to notice the places of lack. As we entered into Father’s Day, I had to remind myself that the Lord has told me no matter how my life looks to not live from a place of lack, because that is not the truth. The truth is the eternal realm and what is not always easily seen. So, I approached this Father’s Day from a different angle this year. Many of us come from broken situations with a father who is or was absent emotionally or physically. But, the truth is, we all have the best Father in the world. The more I have gotten to know my heavenly Father and let him re-father me and father my son, the more I am in awe and realize I am the luckiest child in the world, and I have the best Father.  

Our Father spoke us into existence from the deepest dreams and desires in His heart. Our Father set us into a wonderful story of the ages. He guides us on an eternal journey of discovering who we really are, and it is unveiled in us in all its glory day by day. Our Father who has never forsaken us. In fact, He embraces us in the fullness of everything we are with all our chaos, emotions, and struggles. He is always patient. He is always kind. He is never self-seeking. His anger is slow to come and quick to leave, and only from a source of corrective love as He is always protecting us. He does not keep any record of our wrongs and rejoices in speaking the truth over us. He always trusts in us and always hopes. He always preserves, and He always wins. 

With a Father like this, there is nothing to fear, and we can know there are good things in store for all His children. So, happy Father’s Day to you all because He is always rejoicing over you and celebrating being your Father.