Joy is the Serious Business of Heaven: a word by Jessica O.

“Joy is the serious business of heaven.” CS Lewis

When I spend time with Jesus, I am often caught off guard at how playful and joyous He is. He will never fail to challenge and offend the religious spirit, because His nature is play and rest. He tells us to become like little children to enter the kingdom. To enter the kingdom is to enter a mind shift, which opens our heart to see from a whole different dimension. To see from this heavenly dimension means to lay down the cares and worries of this world. When we watch little children, they are experts at several things. They always live in the moment, not worrying about the past or future. They also turn everything into a game, and they are always learning through play and creating with imagination.

I was listening to a teaching and heard the play on words in the word recreation. I had never seen it before, but recreation is the word “re” and “creation,” yet it is play. When we co-create with the Lord, it is from a place of play. I was immediately reminded of Proverbs 8:22-31 when it talks about the Spirit of Wisdom who was with the Lord from before the very beginning. She was delighting/playing with the Lord, while co-creating with Him. I have always enjoyed this magical image that plays out in my mind while watching this unfold. It reminds me of CS Lewis’s depiction in one of his books where Aslan creates the world of Narnia through song. 

When the Lord creates, there is always joy. He has called us to be co-creators, and I believe learning to become childlike and playing with Him is a huge key in being the co-creators we are. Another thing the Lord told me one day was that, when you love something, you are giving it life. So, as we learn to do as our Father does, we must not forget the basics and must become like little children — soaking in the joy and love of our Father and creating. In this, life will naturally spring forth.