Stillness in the Storm: a poem by Jessica O.

The winds of change and constant charging energy whirl around me, spinning and pulling me in all directions. 

My focus is torn, and I flail aimlessly until I fall onto the ground exhausted, and from the dust, I cry out in desperation. 

Then, from the storm, I hear a still, small voice. It is a gentle whisper, but it stirs deeply within my spirit. It is the ancient sound of love incarnate. “I am right here; I have never left you.”

My eyes see only chaos around me, but the eyes of my heart tell me to look deeper. 

“I am right here,” He calls again. “I am in the storm, the calm within. Turn into the storm. Submit to it and just be. Just be with me.” 

I enter deeper and the intensity picks up, but His voice guides, so I press in further. Then, a hand reaches out, and I grab hold. 

He pulls me into the heart of the storm. He pulls me into Father’s heart and holds me close.

All else falls away as I am embraced by His fiery love. All worry and stress melt off, and I breathe in His presence. I am one with Him, and I am at rest just being with Him. 

Then, in sync with Him, I speak from a place of love to the storm and the storm responds. I don’t notice anymore because my eyes are locked onto His eyes. I see through His eyes, and He sees through mine. I am entangled with Him. The storm becomes a creative force and I see it differently.

I am whole. I am still. I am present. I am rest. I am love. I am in the eye of my Beholder. All is well and all will be well.