The Two Trees: a poem by Jessica O.

In the inmost parts of my being, there is a garden.

Within the garden, there are two trees.

One of life and life abundantly, in perfect awareness of our union with our Father.

The other tree is one of striving and living in a world of self-inflicted separation from the Father, constantly measuring the good against the bad. 

One tree is of innocence and the other of guilt.

The fruit of the tree of life is rest and being, knowing our identity in our loving Father.

The fruit of the other tree is law, religion and works to earn our position, always pushing for more but never enough.

The way of the tree of life is celebrating that He has completed the work and that I AM all that He has said I am.

The way of the other is focused on lack and identifying ourselves with sin.

One sees the kingdom at hand and walks in the heavens as a child of God.

The other sees a far-off future that is always just out of reach and is living as an orphan. 

One tree is rooted in our spirit while the other is rooted in our soul.

Each moment we have a choice as to which tree we will feed and nourish in our inner garden. The roots go deep and, often, we are not aware of which tree we are feeding until we see and taste the fruit. 

There is only one tree that is the Way the Truth and the Life.