Hineni: a poem by Jessica O.


Here I am Lord.

All of me, everything past present and future.

All that I am, in both my short comings and strengths.

All of me, both the conscious and the unconscious.

All my hardships and pain.

All my blessings and joy.

I present it all to You in the light and hold nothing back.

I can trust You, and know I am safe.

In Your loving kindness, You craft together the perfect work of art. 

You leave nothing out. 

Everything that I am, is for a plan and a purpose. 

Unhindered by fear, I give it to You to see the Master at work. 

You say You want all my pain.

You say You want all my desires that are buried deep.

You say You want my failures. 

Then, I stand in awe as You take the broken and ugly parts and make them the crowning jewels.

Nothing is left untouched by Your gentle hands. 

You take the finished piece and place it in my heart.

The light within bursts forward to reveal Your glory in me. 

Then You lean over and whisper into my ear.

I give you all of Me. I hold nothing back. 

The Hebrew word “hineni” means Here I am. However, like most Hebrew words there is so much more to it. It is a declaration that here is all of me, and I present it all to you. It is all past, present and future, everything good and bad, conscious and unconscious, all hopes and desires. It is bringing the FULL sum of everything we are and laying it down.

And, what is even more fascinating, is all through the bible the Father is saying “hineni” to His children. He presented ALL of Himself, and He never held anything back. Wow, that is a servant king, that is Love incarnate. He is not asking us to do anything He has not already done and been doing for all of eternity.